Crystal rhinestone diamond gem 3D glitter

The gel when you finished your nails you put a little bit of gel and drop Lapierre and iron your nails under the UV nail glue will work but gem glue will keep them and are very hard to get off
How is worn? Long?
I don't know yet. First time I ordered.
Both clip and will be worn😉
Both clip and will be worn😉
Seller is not good faith! And the order did not send and the money does not want to return. Strange where such good reviews from? Feick
LP550188761FR bu siparisim hala gelmedi siparislerim nerde kamdi lutfen kontrol edin bazi siparislerim daha yok boyle giderse sizine alis veris miz olmayacak?.
Is good morning thank u
Tell me the material of the glass rhinestone?
No, plasmas and painted. I've got some paint on my nails. Steel White, and took colored
How many boxes of those shiny ones come if I buy them 12 boxes
I haven't received it yet
It's a box with 12 compartments in which it has crystals of different sizes which comes great